Welcome to BIPAD​

What is BIPAD?

The BIPAD numbering system is unique to the retail magazine business. As illustrated in the block at the bottom of the page, the BIPAD number is the middle 5 digits of the magazine barcode. It is the permanent identification of the the magazine throughout its retail life. Along with an industry prefix, and issue number, the BIPAD numbers are encoded in the barcodes on magazine covers and used by magazine wholesaler-distributors and magazine retailers to process the publications through their systems. In doing so, they record the sales, count returns, store sales history, determine future distributions, and make payments.

To obtain a BIPAD number complete an application and include payment by selecting the Secure Online/Email Application Form -or- print PDF Application Form above and mail with check.

IMPORTANT: Please read the information on www.bipad.com very carefully to ensure that you do need a BIPAD number and how many you need. We are not able to issue refunds once a number has been assigned since there is no way for us to recover numbers confidently.


A different BIPAD number must be used with each magazine title for which separate distribution records are to be maintained by wholesaler-distributors and/or retailers. It is not necessary to obtain a different BIPAD number for each issue.

The BIPAD number never changes. It is the permanent identification of a magazine title for the life of the magazine. The issue identifier changes, of course, with each new issue.

The minimum processing fee for a single BIPAD number is $375. The price schedule for multiple TITLES is listed below and on the application form.

BIPAD Numbers Fee BIPAD Numbers Fee BIPAD Numbers Fee BIPAD Numbers Fee
1 $375 3 $750 5 $1000 11-15 $2625
2 $550 4 $900 6-10 $1750 16-20 $3500
* Multiple number fee rates are not retroactive and are available only at time of original application.

The Magazine Barcode
and the Position of the
BIPAD Number

In a typical magazine barcode (using the above color coded example), the first 6 digits, 0 74470 in the example represent the company prefix. The next 5 digits, 00001, is the BIPAD number. The single digit, 3, is the “check digit,” which is computer determined. The shorter section, with the 09 above it, is the issue identifier, add-on portion. In this instance, 09 represents the September issue.

The company prefix and the BIPAD number represent the basic barcode. The company prefix will remain constant, unless there is a price change. BIPAD will provide applicants with access to 2 “industry” company prefixes, which will be alternated when cover prices change. The BIPAD number never changes. It is the permanent identification of a magazine title for the life of a the magazine. The issue identifier changes, of course, with each new issue.